And then it came a time (around 1992) when I watched for the first time an Alfred Hitchcock's film titled "Rope" (1948) in the media room of my university library. The film tells a story of two bright but disturbed young men Brandon Shaw (John Dall) and Phillip Morgan (Farley Granger) who plan a perfect murder inspired by lectures on the art or murder once given by their former teacher Rupert Cadell (James Stewart). They invite their former classmate David Kentley (Dick Hogan) - whom they regard as being "inferior" - to their apartment, strangle him and conceal his body in a book chest in the living room. Eager to challenge the "perfection" of their crime and their "superiority", they invite David's family and friends and also Rupert Cadell to their apartment for a dinner party. They even deliberately move the party to the living room and serve the dinner from the book chest.

Another example to see how skillful Hitchcock utilizes this style of directing is in "Rear Window" (1954) (my number 1 favourite). Similar to "Rope", "Rear Window" is shot in a confined space, looking out to the backyard of other apartments. The confined space is where the main story is: L.B. Jefferies (James Stewart), Lisa Carol Fremont (Grace Kelly), the detective and the nurse. Looking out through the rear window we see eight other rear windows of other apartments, each belongs to: Miss Torso the ballerina, the sculptor, the newlyweds, the doting couple and their dog, the salesman and his nagging wife, the bachelor/the songwriter and Miss Lonelyheart. Each of them has their own "mini" story to tell. Hitchcock gives each of them, in their own space, the lead in their own scene. He treats each of these "mini" stories as equally important as the main story. Gee ... what a performance given by the wise-cracking nurse Stella (Thelma Ritter), she almost steal the show! And what a memorably heart-breaking scene performed by Miss Lonelyheart (Judith Evelyn). And even the dog (the dog!!!), with only a few seconds appearance, gives a dramatic impression to the film. Each of them contributes to the overall story and makes it richer and fuller.
If I had a chance to choose between being a dog (or even a crack on the wall!!!) in a Hitchcock's film or being a person in any other director's film, I would definitely choose the former one. That's how exceptional he is. Since then Hitchcock's work has been influencing many younger directors who come after him. Just to name a few, for example: Mike Nichol's Academy Award-winning drama "The Graduate" (1968) and Steven Spielberg's debut TV action-thriller "Duel" (1971).
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