Country of Origin: USA
Director: Mervyn LeRoy
Cast: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Felix Bressart
Plot outline: A real-life story of Edna Gladney, who fought for orphans' rights in Texas (IMDb).
"There are no illegitimate children - only illegitimate parents."
(Greer Garson as Edna Gladney)
Based on the real-life story of Edna Gladney by Ralph Wheelwright, director Mervyn LeRoy and a duo of screenwriters have rendered a careful and compassionate account of one woman's selfless effort to make this world a better place in which to live. With lovely Greer Garson playing the leading role, the spirit of the story is maintained on a level generally above its frequent insipid spots. The peril of overdoing a picture of this nature requires a director's constant vigil and the application of much good taste. Unfortunately, the director has let himself go a few times. There is a shade too much of shining nobility in this movie, too often tiny fingers tug deliberately on the heartstrings. And the dramatic continuity seems less spontaneous than contrived. The career of Mrs. Gladney is drawn out over a tedious stretch of time. But it is an affecting story and one which commands great respect. According to this version, Mrs. Gladney acquired a deep sympathy for foundlings when her own "sister" committed suicide because it was revealed she was one. Then, after Mrs. Gladney's own little son was killed and her life seemed devoid of aim, she began giving home to orphan children and slowly, against cruel odds and personal grief, established the fine society which has been so important in her State. One phase of the story is concerned with the fight which Mrs. Gladney waged to have the word "illegitimate" removed from birth records in Texas, and the conclusion is a touching tribute to her self-sacrificial life. Miss Garson is a vision of loveliness, with her red hair delicately framing her expressive face, and conveys through the picture a conviction of sincerity and sensitivity. Walter Pidgeon plays her husband in the true manner of an adoring gallant, and Marsha Hunt does well in the brief role of the "sister". A large cast of supporting actors is uniformly excellent, and there are several cunning youngsters to provoke the inevitable "ohs" and "ahs". As pure inspirational drama with a pleasant flavor of romance, Blossoms in the Dust should reach a great many hearts. (NYT)
My judgement: *** out of 4 stars
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