Country of Origin: USA
Director: John Cromwell
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Lizabeth Scott, Morris Carnovsky
Plot outline: A war hero investigates his buddy’s disappearance following their return home, and love and death soon follow (IMDb).
The story (**1/2 the story isn’t original, but it’s okay because it steals from the best)
How the story unfolds (**1/2)
The characters (**1/2 Humphrey Bogart’s performance is an amalgam of his characters in The Maltese Falcon (1941) and The Big Sleep (1946); Lizabeth Scott may look and sound somewhat like Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep, but she’s not the genuine article--she simply can’t hold her own against Bogart, a fact that becomes more and more apparent as the movie unfolds, and the chemistry between them is marginal at best, which robs the movie’s ending of much of its emotional impact)
The acting (**1/2)
Overall rating **1/2 out of 4 stars
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